Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Obama The Narcissist

++From an enjoyable day exploring fines in my storage unit, I came home to a blizzard of e-mails complaining about President Obama's narcissism and his haughty behavior at the ceremony for King Abdullah.

++I was treated to the obligatory video of a speech where Obama said the I word 18 times. 

++For legitimacy, they produce a Richard Engels' interview from NBC where he said that King Abdullah hated President Obama. But Richard didn't mention that Abdullah had alzheimer's and probably didn't know who President Obama was.

++Next we received a shot over the bow for President Obama not receiving Bibi because the GOP invited him to lecture Obama on the seriousness of Islamic terrorism.

++I haven't gotten the line yet on Michelle Obama not wearing a head covering in Saudi Arabia.

++I received an approving e-mail of Bobby Jindal warning about "No-Go" zones coming to America where Sharia law is practiced.

++It was crickets about President Obama's trip to India. The same happened during his China trip. The world is the United States and the Middle East--solely.

++These emails can't quite figure out whether they like Putin or we should rev up the Cold War against him. But in any event President Obama is weak.

++Maybe it's just me but President Obama seems to be acting in the future while all the characters around Washington are in some distant past, which has no relevance to the challenges we face.

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