Friday, January 16, 2015

US ends the week on an Uptick

++The net neutrality rules are being circulated . The FCC chairman who protested Obama's position on net neutrality seems to be coming around.

++John Kerry swooped into Paris and was warmly received, I could have done without James Taylor singing "You Got A Friend."

++President Obama and PM Cameron held a press conference where President Obama spelled out why the sanctions bill against Iran in the Senate is very much not the think to do right now. Let's see whether the Senate obeys his admonition. He was quite right it would probably destroy negotiations and end the sanctions regime he helped put together in the first place. My old executive assistant Jon Karl tried to badger Cameron about his lobbying the Senate against the sanctions bill. Cameron handled it adroitly.

++Consumer confidence reached its highest in eight years and the price of living fell true most in six years.

++Bernie Sanders reminded the Senate that there are 1 million veterans on social security disability and that cutting it like the GOP wants is not patriotic.

++President Obama reportedly told the Democrats' retreat he will be on the offensive and wants them to back him on his vetoes.

++President Obama after his press conference with Cameron made it known he would veto the Iran sanctions bill. The problem is that as it stands the bill has a veto proof majority. He at least has four votes away from the Keystone Pipeline Bill.

++Oh and Governor Scott Walker intends to run for President as an outsider.

++TalkingPointsMemo has a piece today on the 86 times the CBO scored Obamacare and none of the analysts ever thought the subsidies for the federal exchange would be challenged. There was more rumblings about this as the GOP met in retreat and are scrambling to have an answer if the Supreme Court would actually screw over 10 million people. The head of Aetna Health Insurance is in Washington saying that he wants a "Grand Bargain" so that the insurance companies don't get screwed if this happens.

++2014 was the hottest year in recorded history and this January might see northern California get no rainfall.

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