Tuesday, January 13, 2015

More France

++If you want an excellent article about the radicalization of the Hebdod killers, this morning's Guardian delivers the goods about their gang in the park and their time in prison.

++Steve Emerson, who had made his living warning about Islamic terrorism, got caught out by his remake of Fox News referring to Manchester UK as a Muslim city with no-go areas and parts ruled by sharia law. The Prime Minister said he almost threw up his porridge at that. The BBC got Emerson on their air where he apologized sort of--even though he insisted their were "no-go" areas in London.

++Bernard-Henri Levy ( I finally got the hyphen right) remains rhapsodic about the rally/ march in Paris. He claims it was bigger than the demonstrations after the liberation of Paris in WWII. He said it was "metapolitical grace" and liken John Kerry speech to the address of FDR to the newly liberated country after the defeat of the Nazis. The Daily Beast has his full essay.

++The Daily Beast has another article about the Muslim suburbs in Paris blaming everything on--guess!--the "Jews". 

++While Bernard-Henri Levy loved the number of heads of states that turned out, Charley Hebdod's staff was cynical about all the heads of state who censored the press and cartoonists.

++And about cartoonists, the United States has only 26 staff political cartoonists on over 1,300 newspapers.

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