Sunday, January 25, 2015

Syriza Romps in the Greek Elections

++Young Alexis Tsipras was congratulated by the other party leaders as 61% of the Greek voters cast their ballots and Syriza, the anti-austerity party, came in --at this writing--with 149 seats, just two short of a  ruling majority. And that may happen in a few hours.

++Tsipras said there would be a mutually acceptable solution to the bailout problem. He said there "would be no rupture", but "no continuation to the subjugation either."

++It is like Occupy Wall Street winning a national election. The European and global financial elites were terrified by the prospects of a Syriza victory.

++The Golden Dawn,the neo-Nazi party, appears to have come in third.Their imprisoned leader claimed he would try and form a government. A 3rd place finish is not good for planet Earth either.

++The Greek public was fed up with the games with the Eurozone and the constant stories of corruption by government officials. They basically threw the bums out.

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