Monday, March 16, 2015

Bibi Kills Dondi's illustrator--Pass It On!

++Dondi's illustrator died at the age of 93. The Hebrew Hammer Al Rosen died at the age of 91. Time to investigate Bibi's role in this.

++Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly raises the question for most of us--what would a Bibi defeat mean for the GOP? Basically all of the GOP's foreign policy rests on Netanyahu. What happens if he is debated by the Zionist-Union? Are they not Israeli enough? Would the GOP keep insisting on supporting Israel? One of the disturbing things this past weekend was a banner ad that surfaced from the rightwing--that asked "Should we continue to back Israel?" 

++Parties other than Likud have raised the issue that Israel has to repair its relationships with  the world. It's incredible to remember that George Mitchell, remember him?, persuaded the Arab League to simultaneously recognize the state of Israel if Bibi would "talk"--"just talk with Mahmoud Abbas. Of course he didn't. Israel thought they had a strong covert alliance with Turkey but then they sank the ferryboat during the Gaza flotilla. By the end of Bibi's tenure,the disinvest and boycott movement has picked up momentum and Western Europe seems on the urge of recognizing Palestine. Unrelated to Bibi has been the rise of anti-semiticism because of the rise of radical right parties. I'll say Israel has to repair  relations. Right now, it has talks with Egypt and bitching sessions with the Saudis over Iran.

++But where does this leave the GOP? Last election Mitt Romney said he would leave American foreign policy in the Middle east in the hands of Bibi. That is a sentiment widely shared by the Republicans. Without Bibi, the wall comes down and the GOP flounders.

++Maybe John Boehner can repair relations by inviting Isaac Herzog to address Congress. Fat chance. But the Senate will push the investigation of who funded Bibi's opposition.

++But Kilgore's question remains unanswered and maybe unanswerable. I find it hard to believe that the GOP will welcome Labor.

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