Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Just When The Evisceration of Ted Cruz Begins, Another Story Pops Up

++Realclearpolitics,the New York Times,Bloomberg News, John Stewart parsed Ted Cruz' announcement speech and crushed it. Bloomberg goes on about how Ted Cruz is not a "Courageous Conservative" because someone with courage would challenge conservatives about needing the 11 million immigrants here,the right to privacy extends to women who choose abortion, and climate change is a disaster upon the world. 

++It was a full court media blitz on everything from Ted Cruz' wanting to abolish the IRS to the kids at Liberty University being fined for not attending. Even the Donald got in his birther licks and FOX News joked about Cruz' Canadian heritage.

++Josh Marshall yesterday at Talkingpointsmemo finally recalled Ted Cruz because they were in the same dorm at Princeton. With the help of Josh's wife who also went to Princeton and then went to Harvard Law School with him, Josh calls former students and they are say a "smart asshole".

++BUT the effigy burning ends because The Story emerges from Europe and hits the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post,the Telegraph (UK) and all the Israeli papers that Israel has been spying on the Iranian nuclear talks and became privy to private briefings among diplomats. 

++Ok,it's to be expected and the Obama Administration downplayed the spying part. But the kicker is that Israel leaked selected intel to our Congress to sabotage the deal. That's why Bibi said President Obama was mad at him for Iran, not Palestine. 

++Israel sort of denied the story but not really. It claimed it got information in other ways.

++Throw in Bibi's speech to the Iranian people not to accept the deal. You have some crazy business. 

++the Imperial Post yesterday ran two pieces against the nuclear deal--one by Gerson, W's speechwriter, and another by Michael Hayden and Ray Taykeh. It really gets curious.

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