Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Reaction Wasn't What They Expected

++Hashtag #47 Traitors has now gone viral and global after the Daily News front page.

++The Detroit Free Press had a blistering editorial on the GOP letter staying it weakened the United States amid negotiating and raised doubts whether the United States ever be trusted with upholding any agreement it made.

++The American Conservative weighed in with an attack on the Senators and even Rand Paul,whom they had supported. Most surprising is that the American Conservative actually supports a nuclear agreement. 

++One left-wing blogger noted that while President Obama was in Selma inspiring the nation,all the Republicans stayed home and wrote the letter to cast a shade over the rest of the week.

++On Obama's speech, James Fellows wrote a piece in the Atlantic about how a President spoke honestly about the country the writer lives in.

++Constituent calls are not running in the Republicans favor as irate--yes, irate is accurate--voters call in their disapproval of the GOP letter.

++Tom Cotton, the Senate's new schoolboy,decided to answer Joe Biden's blistering attack of last night. he said that Biden had been wrong about everything for the last 40 years. Keep it classy, Tom. Biden did not have ad hominem arguments but expressed deep concerns about the Senate as an institution which he clearly loves. 

++A side effect of the flap is the debate whether the agreement would be a "treaty" or simply a presidential "order". Even the State Department was unclear, saying it would be an unenforceable verbal agreement--which simply doesn't make sense because of the technical nature of the issue.

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