Monday, April 27, 2015

Quinnipiac Poll On Iran Deal

++John Kerry meets the Iranian Foreign Minister today at the meeting on the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Meanwhile negotiators say they are making progress.

++The Corker-Cardin Bill still faces amendments in the Senate that could torpedo it.

++This week expect two issues to get white hot--same-sex marriage and Iran.

++ It is no coincidence that W re-appeared at Adelson's cattle call at the Venetian Hotel in Vegas.

++W took potshots at President Obama's Mideast policy, saying all the problems there are after he left office. He doubted that you could "snap-back" sanctions like President Obama said and that since sanctions brought Iran to the table then we should keep it up. He said that the deal was not in the long-term strategic interest of the United States. He says we should be thinking about our grandchildren. If that were true, then wouldn't you think we should do something about climate change?

++Meanwhile Bibi now says that the most dangerous threat against Israel is Hezbullah. Stay tuned.

++Now the polls. Quinnipiac on the iran deal:
Approval of the Iran deal:
Democrats 76 to 15
Independents 60 to 33
Republicans  37 to 56

Americans favor Congressional approval of deal:
65 to 24

Americans Favor negotiated settlement versus military action.
77 to 13.

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