Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Rambling Wreck

++Kudos to Rachel Maddow for her segment last night showing how bizarre the "debate" on rescuing Sgt.Bergdahl is. About Bill O'Reilly's complaint that the father spoke Pashtun,the "language of the Taliban". It turns out that the language pre-dates the Taliban and is spoken by millions of Afghanis.

++Syria's Assad romped to victory with a 88.7% of the ballots even though only areas under the control of his troops voted.

++Drudge is whipping up the anti-Hillary fever by posting a photo of her on People and asking whether she is holding a walker, alluding to Rove's "brain damage" smear. Actually, she was holding onto a patio chair.

++Rachel Maddow's show has a guest refer to the US funding the Sunni Awakening in Iraq, which was composed of militants who had killed Americans. But my favorite in the hypocrisy ranks is General Petraeus paying Mookie al-Sadar $350 million cold cash for a ceasefire.

++I think the Bergdahl case ignited something deep in the GOP psyche. Normally we celebrate the return of a POW, no matter whom. But this time,the GOP in their gut knows that the war is really over and we are left with the smoldering wrecks of two wars and an intellectual collapse of their War on Terror. It's not pretty but the reaction that your worldview has collapsed provokes intense reaction. 

++Take the article this afternoon in the Hill, Lindsey Graham says that the GOP will ramp up impeachment proceedings against President Obama if he releases anymore prisoners from Gitmo without notifying Congress. You are now tempering with GOP sacred territory when you suggest closing Gitmo.

++My proposal is moving all the remaining prisoners to the Navy Brig at Charleston, South Carolina. 

++My suggestion to Commander-in-Chief Obama is to release the torture report as soon as possible so the GOP can have their cathartic responses. And we can see their glorious frenzy all at once. The American people will finally be confronted by the price everyone has paid in these war years.

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