Saturday, June 21, 2014

George Will wants to Sue President Obama

++George Will is upset that President Obama has committed offenses against the separation of powers that are both egregious in quantity and qualitatively different from others.

++Will runs the gamut on immigration reform to the ACA. Will claims that the ACA was not implemented as required , particularly with the delay on the Employer's Mandate. He cites that Obama suspended portions of that law 40 times.

++While he argues that President's need leeway in implementing laws and have to have a flexibility in their interpretation, the situation has gotten so bad that the President has taken both the executive and legislative powers because Congress so inert (Will doesn't say this.)

Will suggests that impeachment is a blunderbuss and will not address this issue of the executive's encroachment on the legislative. He cites and supports Benghazi chairman Trey Gowdy's bill that would expedite lawsuits by Congress against President Obama. 

On a very complicated argument, Will cites lawyers that if a majority of the House can vote to sue the President than the House can become the party to a suit. The problem has been that a benevolent bill that affects Americans positively is difficult to adjudicate. 

With Trey Gowdy's bill . then Speaker Boehner can sue the President on behalf of the whole legislative branch. And this could avoid impeachment, which the whole House wants to do.

The piece is in today's Washington Post. Basically, this is George Will's hobbyhorse that Obamacare is injurious to his class' health and must be eliminated by more suitable means. 

So instead of being Stalin, President Obama is George III exercising his "royal prerogative." He cites neo-con philosopher Harvey Mansfield about the need of the legislative to check these prerogatives.

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