Saturday, June 21, 2014

More on Iraq

++Andrew Bacevich appeared on Bill Moyers to talked about the political elites love of war even though they know nothing about actual warfare. If you can see the clip, please look it up. He makes the case that we have been a huge presence in the Middle East since 1980 and asks the question whether we have brought greater stability and greater democracy.Citing Iraq--two wars there--Afghanistan,Libya and even Somalia, if the answer is yes to either of the issues  then we should keep doing what we have been doing. If the answer is no, then we should stop.

++Rand Paul was asked to comment on Dick Cheney's attack on President Obama said that we have to ask a whole lot of questions about those who advocated and planned the Iraq invasion. Since there were no WMDs, which was its rationale, he said, we have to ask whether it really was won in 2005 as the Bush Administration claimed. He went on to say that the Iraq invasion created the whole mess there now and that he would like to know from the advocates of the war why did we embolden Iran and allow Iran to have hegemony in the region.

++The Harvard Study on the cost of the Iraq War puts the cost at $4 trillion or $35,000 per household in America. Senator Bernie Sanders said on the Ed Show that if we spent $1 trillion like the Society of Engineers has said, we could have a modern infrastructure in America.

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