Monday, June 30, 2014


++Igor Volsky at Think Progress envisions a case where women employees of Hobby Lobby sue the company for discrimination over contraceptive coverage.

++Rude Pundit offers his own Rude opinions on Hobby Lobby. It's worth a read. Rude Pundit notices the language I did about what the ruling doesn't include and how that was the "tell" that the majority don't believe a word there are saying. They just want to get even with the Uteri.

++Mother Jones writes that Hobby Lobby through their pension funds invest in companies developing emergency contraceptives--in short those they claim they have religious objections to.

++Hobby Lobby covered all forms of contraception in their insurance plans already before they had filed their lawsuit. It was only when the Affordable Care Act came along that they decided to object.

++Ruth Bader Ginsberg in her blistering dissent focused on the issue of women's health. The majority opinion never mentioned women, only religious freedom.

++Closely held companies are actually a larger number than you think, employing 52% of Americans.  However,it is unlikely that all of them would invoke religious beliefs to deprive their employees of contraceptive coverage. Also many are fewer than 50 employees and therefore do not face a mandatory health insurance obligation.

++One of the reasons for mandatory contraception coverage is to make women and men equal in the ACA. Previously women paid higher premiums for health insurance. Another fact is that over 50% of women use contraceptives for reasons other than reproductive issues.

++The Philadelphia papers covered the Mennonites, which were the only ones who have any real religious beliefs in this case.

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