Friday, June 6, 2014


++Jennifer Rubin slips back into her regular disguise of hyping a GOP presidential candidate. This time she makes the case that Gov.Perry of Texas will restore America's place in the world.

++Reince Preibus has a lot of explaining to do. 500,000 signs saying Impeach Obama for not getting Sgt.Burgdahl home from captivity were found behind the RNC in dumpsters. He claims he knows nothing about them.

++Newsmax has Ronald Reagan's speech on D-Day for your enjoyment. If you want a youthful sounding President Obama speak eloquently, check out his speech today which may have surpassed the Gipper. Contrary to rightwing blogs, the President received a sustained and rousing standing ovation.

++President Obama did speak to Vladimir Putin. The French put out a Vine video, which makes Obama tower over Putin, who seemed to crawl backwards in fright. The State Department said they spoke for ten to fifteen minutes. An unhappy looking Angela Merkel also met with Putin and urged him to negotiate a ceasefire in the Ukraine. Putin also met with the new Ukrainian President and said he was sending a representative to his inauguration. 

++A Cliven Bundy style sovereign citizen shot up a Georgia Courthouse and had bombs in his car before he was slain.

++The Right has gone ballistic over Eric Holder reconstituting the domestic terrorism unit. Alex Jones has camped out on RT television to talk about concentration camps being erected for dissidents. The motivation behind the DOJ decision was the mounting evidence supplied by the Southern Poverty Law Center about the rise of extreme right violent groups.

++Senator Diane Feinstein is grumpy over Obama not telling her about the release of Bergdahl so she says that the Army sergeant wasn't "close to death". A military source leaked that Bergdahl may have left his camp to search to arrange a local ceasefire with the Taliban. Interesting idea.

++Anthony Scalia was a big hit today. He was mentioned 13 times in the Federal Judge's opinion overturning Wisconsin's anti-same sex law. I guess that makes 20 states now and counting.

++Indeed,a couple filed a case against North Dakota for its prohibition of same sex marriage, leaving no state challenged.

++Paul Krugman noticed the same thing I have about the GOP's response to President Obama's epochal climate change decision on carbon emissions. Crickets. I'm sure they will recharge next week.

++The Texas GOP passed a resolution against the EPA,for therapy to change The Gay,a special prosecutor for Benghazi,and against Common Core.

++Ohio Republican legislators are trying to outlaw IUDs as a contraceptive arguing they are a form of abortion.

++If you want to know about the Senate race in Mississippi,there is no one better at analysis of the strange Southern mind than Ed Kilgore at the Washington Monthly. This is a beyond strange race between a tea bagger and good ole' boy Thad Cochran.

++John Podesta said that climate-deniers will be toast in 2016.

++Al Sharpton's show has a series of ads Democrats are running against Republicans early to prevent them from escaping the box of the extreme right policies they have voted for and endorsed in the past. The idea is to prevent them presenting themselves as moderate in the general election. The ads were quite effective.

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