Thursday, April 2, 2015

Washington Post Doesn't Disappoint

++The Washington Post in an editorial came out against the Iran deal because it fell below President Obama's statements about a deal in 2009. 

++The Post made their most strenuous reservations that Obama must reassure our friends in the Middle East--read Bibi and Saudi Arabia.

++However,on their front page is an analysis by Ishaaan Tharoor who says that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has surprised those who know about nuclear weapons by its thoroughness and detail. They feel such detail bodes well for its implementation by June.

++Sean Hannity railed that we were giving nukes to Iran who only days before threatened to annihilate Israel. Unfortunately he had Patrick Buchanan on who reminded Sean that Nikita Krushchev treatened to bury us and was the next year in the White House negotiating with Eisenhower. 

++Sean Hannity pulled the Hitler card by citing Churchill's stance against the Nazis.

++Buchanan won't let up. He said that Iran doesn't even have a nuclear weapon but Bibi has over 200 and we should be afraid of Iran. They are fighting our enemies. Buchanan went on to say that the reason Iran is not contained is because Sean's friend W invaded Iraq and the Shiites won the election.

++This will only heat up. But the details are there for everyone to debate. The Post hopes for a full debate on the deal. Even the Post forgets that this was a deal negotiated with 5 other nations who will not keep the sanctions regime on Iran.

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