Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Clarification

++Ed Kilgore at Washington Monthly reminds us that the embargo against Cuba was codified by the Helms-Burton Act of 1999 and so Congress has to raised key portions of the embargo and approve casual tourism to Havana.

++Marco Rubio called President Obama the "worst negotiator since Jimmy Carter or maybe the worst in history." Senators Menendez and Cruz went thermonuclear. 

++We all await the response from Ted Cruz' father, who sought alongside Castro in the Revolution and has liken Obama to Fidel. It was only after his third return to the island that he left permanently. 

++At least Marco Rubio is more honest. He admits his family left as economic refugees and observers note his family were Batistianos.

++President Obama will allow telecommunications companies to Cuba to broaden their internet coverage.

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