Sunday, December 21, 2014

NYTimes Editorial --Prosecute Torturers and The Bosses

++ I read this on-line and ran downstairs to find it in the print edition. Maybe they recalled it.

++The New York Times Editorial Board on December 21 calls for the prosecution of Dick Cheney, David Addington, his chief of staff,former CIA director George Tenet, John Yoo and Jay Bigbee. 

++They also called for the prosecution of Jose Rodriquez,Jr for destroying the torture tapes as well as all CIA employees who carried out the program.

++The cite the letter by Antonio Romero, the head of the American Civil Liberties Union, that will be delivered Monday to Eric Holder calling him to designate a Special Prosecutor to investigate a widespread criminal conspiracy on torture and its coverup.

++The Times chides President Obama for his policy of looking forward without prosecuting crimes which existed before George W. Bush took office. They cite rightfully that torture is a federal crime and is a crime according to the Convention against Torture, which pre-existed the Bush administration.

++The Times sees the need for this because of the support torture has among the population and the Republican Party and as a way to stop from it repeating as a policy choice.

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