Monday, December 15, 2014


++The PEW Foundation released a poll today on Americans attitudes toward torture.

++First, should the Senate have released its report ? 42% said yes; 43% said no.

++ Did torture produce intelligence?
43% said it did;40% said it did not.

++The GOP favors torture 73% to 15%.
++ 37% of Democrats said torture was justified.
++46% of Democrats said it was not.
++65% of liberal Democrats said it was not.
++32% of moderate or conservative Democrats said it was not.
++49% of independents said the CIA was justified.
++30% said it wasn't.
++60% of those over 50 agreed it was justified.
++Only 40% of those under 50 agreed it was. 
++57% of men said torture was justified.
++46% of women said it was. 

CBS had a poll which showed that 69% of Americans believe water boarding is torture.
++ 49% believe torture is sometimes justified.
++ 32% believe it isn't.

On the question of whether the CIA is telling the truth. 44% said the CIA is hiding something, 17% that it is mostly lying, and only 18% said it told the whole truth.

So the takeaway is that Americans favor torture and believe the CIA is a bunch of liars.

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