Friday, December 19, 2014

The Very Consequential President

++Steve Benen at RachelMaddowBlog writes that President Obama's list of achievements already make him a consequential President,at least more than the previous two. He quotes Matt Yglesias who has made the same analysis this month. 

++Benen goes on a rift on everything Obama has done in six years from the stimulus,a nuclear treaty with Russia,wall street reform, LGBT rights, climate change, Cuba and Bin Laden. He also quotes Paul Krugman from the Rolling Stone article where Krugman was the first to say he has been "consequential" and has been successful.

++Benen does have a caveat. The GOP will try and chip away at his accomplishments like Obamacare and if a Republican is elected President,he will be duty bound to try and eradicate Obama's accomplishments--if he could and that would eventually color history's take on Obama's Presidency.

++Or maybe we have had a clearer picture this week since the debris from the midterms has been swept away. Seeing President Obama by his lonesome out there is actually reassuring. 

++But the final test is during the next one and a half years. It will be interesting to see if any presidential candidates can define issues as compelling as those President Obama has tackled.

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