Friday, April 3, 2015

By Popular Demand

++I just watched Mel Brooks at the Last Supper where he was the waiter.

++Then I read that Glenn Beck accuses gays of being Nazis and are going to have a Holocaust of Christians. (I thought Beck was a Mormon.)

++So if we are going the Nazi route as we have done with the Iran nuclear deal and the Indiana discriminate against gay law. Then we have to throw in the Arnoold,who slammed Pence.

++By popular demand, I must bring back the real Adolf Hitler, accept no substitutes.

++My bedtime reading these days is Richard J. Evans' "The Third Reich in History and Memory", his latest volume on the Third reich since he has finished the war. In this book, Evans analyzes the various issues of the Third Reich and Naziism according to the latest scholarship. Since the 1990s,we have learned so much more about the Holocaust and the scale of its atrocities than ever before.

++But Let's just focus on Hitler and maybe Eva, too.

++No Hitler was not insane as many in the West believed. Only near the end did Germans pass rumors to each other that Hitler was mad. Your cities are devastated, six millions Jews have been exterminated,there is famine and hunger. It must solely be Hitler fault and not any of ours. 

++Hitler was not a sadomasochist who inflicted his perversions on the world scene. This was the view of Walter  Langer, who worked for the OAS. Langer believed that Hitler's anti-semiticism came from being breast fed. 

++Some speculate he was schizophrenic or he developed his manias after being hypnotized for the hysterical blindness he suffered in WWI. Alas, there is no such evidence.

++No he was not missing a right testicle. That rumor came from the discovery of his burned corpse, which "seemed" to have been missing a testicle. His doctor's records never record anything but that his genitalia was normal. 

++It was suggested by German historian Lothar Machtan that Hitler was homosexual.This explains  the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934 when Ernst Rohm was killed. Machtan said that Hitler was covering up his gay dalliances. One problem, his list of lovers lived until the end of the war. Alas there is no evidence Hitler was gay.

++Instead he was concerned about concealing his relationships with women. He had conventional heterosexual relations with a number of women until he became attached to Eva Braun, whom he married in the Bunker on the final day.To keep up with the younger,athletic Braun,Hitler had testosterone and other hormonal injections. Before he slept with her he took the Nazi equivalent of Viagra.

++He put considerable strain on his vocal chords  and became hoarse through his speeches. He benefited from the same speech therapist who helped King George VI.

++He did not have cancer. He had a benign polyp removed from his throat. 

++He suffered from irritable bowel syndrome caused by stress.

++He had terrible teeth and extremely bad breath.

++He never smoked, drank and was a vegetarian. 

++Near the end he may have had Parkinson's Disease as his hand and legs trembled.

++He had a physician he kept him supplied with speed and mixed amphetamines into his tea. During one meeting with Mussolini, he was so hyped El Duce couldn't get a word in edge-wise. 

++German historians Eberle and Neumann concluded that Hitler was not ill, certainly no more than anyone else in their lifetimes. He wasn't particularly healthy and he never exercised, simple walked. Oh, and he didn't have syphillis.

++His relationships with women can present some issues. He was his niece's lover. She shot herself over jealousy with Eva Braun. Eva tried twice to kill herself before the bunker to "gain attention" from Adolf.

++So far we have to go elsewhere in Evans' book for answers to the evils of the Third Reich. So far it reads like the banality of evil as Hannah Arendt said in the Eichmann trial.

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