Wednesday, April 11, 2012

George Zimmerman to be charged, if found

The state of Florida intends to charge George Zimmerman with the murder of Trayvon Martin, if he can be found. Yesterday, Zimmerman's attorney's quit since they had not been in touch with him and claim he has fled the state. This should make for an interesting bail hearing. 

The attorneys said yesterday they had warned Zimmerman from talking to the prosecutor's office without his lawyers present. He called anyway. Just as he pursued Trayvon Martin when the 911 operator told him not to follow the young man. 

I'll leave the lawyering to the lawyers. But it seems to me there are more questions than answers in this case. The crime scene was not secured, Zimmerman's clothing was not bagged as evidenced and the local police did not investigate. Who knows where the gun is? The only hard evidence it appears will be the autopsy reports. And the eyewitnesses seem to be all over the place with their testimony. 

Meanwhile, while the lawyers couldn't talked to Zimmerman, he updated his website, which is being used to raise money for his "defense", I guess, and managed to talk to Sean Hannity of Fox News to say he mentored African-American youths. Armed neo-nazis are patrolling Zimmerman's hometown allegedly to protect whites from black rioting. And the Black Panthers today apologized for some of their more over-the-top comments. 

Unfortunately, the circus after the tragedy seems to be just starting.

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