Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday at the Last Manatee

++The new slogan of the Romney campaign is "I know you are but what am I."  Bishop Willard as the Zen master. 

++Only 11% of the GOP are very enthused about a Romney candidacy.

++According to YouGov. only 35% of the GOP believe anything Romney says.

++Ann Romney says Mitt isn't stiff, "just unzip him and he's not stiff." 

++Romney says President Obama has "Zero" ideas.

++Romney accuses President Obama of playing a "hide and seek" campaign.

++And Romney repeats the Karl Rove canard that Obama wants to end Medicare by cutting $500 billion--even though it was waste.

++Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah says that the Obama campaign will throw the "Mormon church" at Romney. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz says that Mormonism is off limits at the DNC.  Too bad.

++According to the Barna group, which polls evangelicals, President Obama is likely to double his evangelical vote this year. In 2008, Obama won 11% of the vote. This year polls show he is likely to receive 22%. Maybe the Mormon thing doesn't go over that well with evangelicals.

++PPP has Obama up 51 to 43 in Nevada, which does have a lot of Mormons.

++Civitas, a Republican-leaning polling outfit, has Obama up by 2 points in North Carolina.

++The Gallup poll shows Obama leading Romney among independent voters by 48-39.

++Meanwhile Rick Santorum says that May looks like a good month for him. He claims if he wins Pennsylvania and Texas he'll be back in the game. While polls in Pennsylvania indicate Republicans like him there they are trending to Romney because they believe he will be the nominee.

++Nancy Pelosi predicts that the Affordable Healthcare Act will pass by 6-3. More court observers are starting to say that again. Eyebrows were raised when people in Wisconsin saw Tony Scalia hunting with Elaine Kagan.

++The right is in full Birther alert as e-mails about President Obama are now circulating en masse. Now they are back, questioning his academic  credentials. Expect to see everything and the kitchen sink thrown at the man. Some day something throw against the wall may stick.

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