Monday, April 6, 2015

Early Evening

++The Obama Administration spent the day trying to sell the Iran deal to Israeli media outlets. Ben Roades talked out surprise inspections and the ability of inspectors top go to suspicious military sites--aspects of the Deal the right in America and in Israel deny.

++Secretary of Energy Munoz talked about the deal is forever, even though it is phased in. As the designer of how the deal restrains Iran he tried to assure Israel that in this agreement Iran can never break out.

++Bibi said the one condition that is a must--is Iran to recognize Israel. President Obama on NPR said that would be akin of asking Iran to transform itself overnight. Needless to say President Obama wasn't enthused about the deal.

++Israeli officials said that they are preparing for an intense lobbying campaign against the deal in the United States. 

++All Republican "presidential" candidates are against the deal.

++Israelis are still talking about a better deal. They want no R&D efforts on centrifuge development forever.  That was an issue I noticed that came up near the end by the Iranians. Not until I saw they would have to use the Atari level centrifuges forever, I understood their request.

++The Saudis have asked for a WMD-free Middle East as a consequence of this deal. So while Bibi said the Saudis were for his position and would allow Israelis to flow over Saudi airspace to bomb Iran,the Saudis are asking that Israel's nuclear program be put under the same restrictions. Interesting turn around.

++A poll cited by the Washington Post said that only 4% of Americans believe that this agreement will restrain Iran from getting an atomic bomb.

++By the way, the first radiation from Fukushima has been detected in British Colombia. This is my single concern about Iran's nuclear program. The Iranian nuclear scientists first raised alarms about the program in 2002 being a threat to all the Marine life in the Persian Gulf and the populations of the Gulf state if there is a nuclear accident at a reactor. I haven't seen anyone comment on this report which was ordered classified by Khatami. And no American critics have raised this issue either. 

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