Wednesday, September 26, 2012

7-Eleven Landslide

++Intratrade has it 74.7% probability Obama will win.

++The Most important indicator of the election if the 7-Eleven poll. Obama leads 58 to Romney 42.

++AP is reporting late in the day that the Obama campaign is thinking of buying ad time in Arizona and making a run at that state with a large Hispanic vote. Last time the campaign decided McCain's advantage as native son made the gamble too costly. It all depends on the cash on hand and what they think they can do to help Richard Carmona win the Senate seat.

++The Obama campaign is trying to lower expectations for the debates because President Obama has had few practice sessions compared to Romney and hasn't debated since 2008 while Willard debated throughout the primary season.

++October Surprise? I always think Republican in this regard but then there was the W.Bush DUI sprung by Gore at the end of the 2000 campaign.
So some have suggested an Obama surprise on Romney's taxes. Rumors have circulated that Willard asked for the tax Amnesty in 2009 for those having overseas bank accounts. While observers note that there would be blowback if the Obama administration leaked this from the IRS or Eric Holder's office, there is nothing to prevent the UBS whistleblower from declaring one of the names he gave Justice was Willard Romney or his wife Ann. So keep in mind the name Bradley Birkenfeld. He was the UBS whistleblower who got a reward of $104 million for ratting out Americans with Swiss bank accounts. 

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