Thursday, September 13, 2012

Late Afternoon after Libya and Cairo

++Since I have received dozens of right-wing attacks on Obama for the assassination of our ambassador to Libya, the demonstrations in Cairo and the attack on the embassy in Yemen, I'll let these people who thought Romney's attack on the President on 9/11 was appropriate to go off and have some time to contemplate the error of their ways.

++Meanwhile back in the election campaign, Allan Lichtman and his keys to the White House still holds to his prediction of an Obama victory.

++Yesterday Gallup has Obama at 51% approval rating and 50 to 43 over Willard. 

++Fox News had Obama 48 to 43.

++Esquire/Yahoo poll 50-46.

++Rasmussen had Romney back on top by 47 to 46.

++PPP-New Mexico Obama 53 to Romney 42.

++ Michigan Obama 47 to Romney 37.

++Quinnipiac --New York Obama 62 to Romney 34.

++Missouri--Rasmussen--Romney 48 to Obama 45.

++NBC/Wall Street Journal --Ohio  Obama 50 to 43.

++NBC/Wall Street Journal--Virginia Obama 49 to 44.

++NBC/Wall Street Journal--Florida Obama 49 to Romney 44

++WMUR--New Hampshire --Obama 45, Romney 40.

++Onsight Public Affairs--Obama 49 to Romney 44.

Late last night before revisions, Nate Silver has Obama at 319 EV to Romney 219. Obama with 91.6% chance of winning.

From the moment Romney answered the right's call to become more aggressive against Obama it was like the exploding cigar.

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