Sunday, September 23, 2012

In Case You Missed it

++Our Do Less Than Nothing Congress fled the Capital having filibustered the Veterans Jobs Bill, which had bipartisan support and was completely paid for,failed to act on the Obama Jobs Bill introduced last fall,and failed to pass the Farms Bill in the middle of the worse drought since The Dust Bowl days. The latter will result in the bankruptcy of many farmers in the Mid-West. It also fails to fund programs for rural areas, which President Obama had touted. I guess that the reason not to pass it.

++VP hopeful Paul Ryan was booed lustily at the AARP convention for his foolish description of his plan for Medicare and Medicaid. It's best not to address an audience which knows more than you do about the programs for seniors. After bombing before the AARP, Ryan decided a new tact before seniors in Florida, reviving the old canard that Obamacare has death panels. Since that didn't work, he thought he could appeal to the seniors by saying on day one Romney and he would repeal the mandate for contraceptive coverage in insurance policies. The Tampa Bay Tribune published a pointed editorial this morning about the instant problems for seniors created by the Romney-Ryan Plan on Medicaid. The editorial rightfully points out that the vast bulk of people using Medicaid are not the poor but seniors in nursing homes who have exhausted their savings after living a middle class life. This is a point that the Obama campaign should emphasize as well as the Romney plan would bankrupt Medicare by 2016. 

++Bill Kristol admitted this morning that President Obama had done a good job in rescuing the country from the Bush economic meltdown. He urged Romney to campaign on the future. 

++Romney and Ryan are going to hit the road in Ohio this week joined by Jack Nicklaus. The GOP ticket is in deep trouble here and even voter suppression campaigns may not make it for them. 

++The Senate passed by 99 to 1 a resolution that the United States should back Israel in the case it bombs Iran.

++AIPAC thanked President Obama for his support of Israel. Bibi Netanyahu sent a note to Rahm Emmanuel promising President Obama he was not interfering in the American elections on behalf of Romney. A conservative Superpac is running ads in Florida showing Romney with Bibi and having Bibi talking about the threat of Iran towards Israel.

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