Saturday, October 11, 2014

Campaign Twists

++Larry Pressler who was surging in South Dakota now finds himself being attacked by the GOP on the grounds that he relatively wealthy,owns a condo in Washington,D.C. and two properties in Manhattan.

++Mary Landrieu, one of BIG Oil's biggest boosters in the Senate, now finds that the oilier have abandoned her for a chance at a GOP Senate, which will be totally  pro-Big Oil.

++David Perdue has more than an outsourcing the problem, his testimony in a bankruptcy case reveals that he fought hard for his compensation but did little or nothing for thousands being laid off. Certainly grist for the populist mill.

++Wendy Davis' attack ad on Abbott brought howls from the Washington Post as the nastiest ad of the campaign. But no one doubts its accuracy.

++The Pryor family and Bill Clinton have been campaigning in Arkansas to persuade the state not to go for Cotton.

++I thought Mary Burke did very well against Scott Walker in the Wisconsin debate. The Wisconsin government may actually use the ID law after SCOTUS rejected it. The Supreme Court decision affects nearly 330,000 voters, who predominantly vote for Democrats. 

++The Denver Post endorsed Cory Gardner because they think a Republican Senate would moderate its views. The Problem is that Gardner has a voting record right of Michelle Bachmann and Steven King.

++The New Georgia Project and the ACLU are suing the Georgia Attorney General to make sure 40,000 newly registered voters are on the rolls. The AG's office says they can't find them.

++Martin Longman filling in for Ed Kilgore suggests pollsters predictions for a lower than expected turnout is because voters realize Congress has been the least productive in years.

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