Thursday, October 23, 2014

Joni Ernst Makes The Day

++Joni Ernst refused to attend the Des Moines Register editorial meeting,one of the regular musts for anyone seeking office in Iowa.

++She and the RNC have requested all materials and positions of polls and other matters so they can call for a recount. This is reminiscent of the Norm Coleman-Al Franken election in Minnesota.

++Then to whip up her base, she bragged she always carries a Smith & Wesson to make sure her rights are respected and suggested that citizens should use their guns against the government if it moves against their rights.

++Her political positions to her base run the conspiratorial like believing the UN wants to take our land to the slightly bizarre that agricultural credits to farmers create dependency. 

++That Braley and the Democrats haven't hammered her strange political beliefs home at this late stage suggests how lame Braley's candidacy is. Joni Ernst makes Sharron Angle look like a moderate.

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