Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lexington Herald-Leader Endorses Alison Grimes

++The Lexington Herald-Leader uses its lengthy endorsement of Alison-Grimes to blast Mitch McConnell. He reminds readers that McConnell sabotaged jobs and transportation bills and recalls his failure to back modernizing the Interstate 65 bridges. The latter may seem parochial but you might recall that President Obama when he sought an infrastructure bill campaigned in front of the crumbling bridges linking Kentucky and Ohio. The Herald-Leader goes on to say "He brags about resolving crises that he helped create." It also blasts him for talking about the "jobless recovery" but blocking the extension of unemployment insurance.

++The editorial hit the meat and potatoes of issues I feel Democrats have failed to stress throughout the campaign. "I'm for rebuilding America, my candidate isn't." I haven't heard much talk about the infrastructure,obstructionism by the GOP,the recovery or much of anything beyond raising the minimum wage. If Democrats fail this election,it's because they didn't make the sell and didn't campaign on their strengths. They failed to take it to the Republicans on their behavior for the last four years. The Lexington-Leader's editorial provided a nice antidote to what had been missing in the campaign, a succinct critique of the consequences of the filibustering head of the Senate Republicans.

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