Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

++Julia Pierson, the head of the Secret Service,resigned today after the revelations of strange and potentially lethal breeches in the President's security. 

++It is tough to grade the security lapses on which is worse. The White House fence-jumper got as far as the children's bedrooms because the ushers had muted the alarms. While visiting CDC and their work on Ebola in Atlanta,a man with a criminal record got into an elevator with the president while carrying a gun. 

++Thom Hartmann remembering another President who suffered security lapses urged for the declassification of the remaining files on the JFK assassination. A simple reason was that the secret service had been following at least two plots against JFK only a month before he was gunned down.

++Colorado congressman Doug Langborn said he has been talking to a number of generals urging them to resign in protest of President Obama's military plans. For the people who remember the JFK assassination,this should not surprise anyone.

++Sam Wang finished his recalibrations saying that now is appropriate to only concentrate on election day probabilities. He has the Democrats and Independents at 49 and the GOP at 51. The meta-margin is Republicans at +.7%.

++The Daily Kos has the probability of a Democratic Senate at 48%.

++The Suffolk Poll has Greg Orman at 46 and Senator Roberts at 41 with 11% undecided. A Panel of judges ruled today that the Democrats do not have to put a Democrat on the ballot. This was the last ditch effort by Kris Kobach.

++Most aggregators have Mitch McConnell with the probability of wining re-election in the late 80s and early 90s. But The Mellman Group has Alison Grimes at 42 and McConnell at 40.

++Survey USA shows that Charlie Crist finally spending money is paying off. Crist leads Governor Scott 46 to 40.  Nate Silver considers Survey USA the best pollster in Florida.

++Governor Walker takes his largest lead yet or maybe not. The Marquette University Wisconsin poll has Walker beating Burke in Likely Voters 50 to 45, and in registered voters 46 to 45.

++But Burke leads Walker in the Gravis poll, which shows her winning 50-45.

++And the final poll of the day is a shocker where 50% approve of something Obama has done. The Washington Post/ABC poll shows 50% to 44% approve of President Obama handling of ISIS. 70% approve of the Syrian airstrikes and 53% for his sending training troops to Iraq. 

++90% of the GOP support the airstrikes
++60% of the GOP support sending troops to Iraq.
++But only 30% support President Obama's strategy.

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