Saturday, October 13, 2012

What Does The Hispanic Vote Mean?

++Important Nate Silver tweet if likely vote is 2 or less for Romney, Romney is in trouble. Not true yet. Keep that in mind over the next weeks.

++Nate Silver at 538 has adjusted his results to account for the Hispanic vote:

EV goes from 285 to 297. Probability of winning from 63 to 69% Obama. Popular vote goes from 61% to 71% chance for Obama. 

++He does a state by state breakdown. No, Obama doesn't have a great shot at Arizona. But Florida goes from 34% to 53%, Virginia goes from high 40s to 55%. Ohio becomes 67% and Nevada becomes 77%. Colorado goes from leaning Romney to 57% Obama. 

+So the Hispanic vote becomes the firewall for Obama. It also puts Florida in play where it looked like it was lost this week. It also solidifies what I said about Nevada. 

++Nate Silver's statement of yesterday that Obama needs Ohio and Nevada as his firewall looks like it is now possible with the Hispanic vote.

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